Aminet 1 (Walnut Creek)
Aminet - June 1993 [Walnut Creek].iso
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16 March 1991
Software Installation Manual
For the Amiga I/O Expansion Board
Copyright ©1990,91 The Puzzle Factory
Hardware is next to useless without software to drive it. This section
describes the software available for the I/O Expansion Board. Please note
that although every effort has been made to ensure completeness and
compatibility, this is a Public Domain project. All of the people who have
created hardware or software for this project have done so in their spare
time without remuneration other than glory. If you experience problems with
the software, try to smile a lot and consider helping to write an updated
version. In any case, please contact us if you find any major
incompatibilities or bugs.
* Note well that all of this material, although freely redistributable, is *
* copyrighted. All rights are reserved, and none of these programs may be *
* used commercially without prior written permission from the author(s). *
In the following sections, "###" in the leftmost columns is used to indicate
some action that must be taken to achieve a particular goal. Unless
otherwise noted, all programs herein MUST be run from the CLI! Do not use
with Workbench, or attempt to create icons!
All mention of units in this document refer to physical units. The first
physical ACIA is Unit 1, for example. This corresponds to logical Unit 0 of
the newser.device.
Almost all programs written for the Amiga that use the serial port (with the
notable exception of some MIDI software) access it indirectly via a standard
software module called "serial.device". As a result, most existing software
will work fine with the I/O Board given a suitable driver, and we supply one,
named "newser.device".
The newser.device supports 15 standard baud rates, from 50 to 38,400 baud,
plus MIDI (31,250 baud). It also supports full hardware handshaking. Up to
four units may be open at one time, although the cpu may not be able to keep
up with all four units running above 2400 baud.
### Copy newser.device to your "DEVS:" directory and you're in business.
1. In order to use the MIDI baud rate, all three of the following things must
be done for MIDI to function properly.:
a) The MIDI clock on the I/O Expansion Board must be installed.
b) The jumper, either J1 or J2 depending on the unit, must be in the MIDI
c) The baud rate must be set to MIDI, corresponding to %xxxx1111 in the
appropriate control register.
2. In order to use the serial ports in 3-wire mode, one of two things must be
a) Install R1 and R2, 1K 1/4W resistors on the Serial Interface Board.
b) Connect CTS to RTS.
Either fix is used to pull up CTS, and is only necessary if you will be
connecting the serial port to a device that does not assert CTS. The
65C52 will not transmit if CTS is not asserted. This is implemented in
hardware and must be addressed in hardware.
The four parallel ports on the I/O Expansion Board are controlled by the
eightbit.device. There are no known differences between this device and the
V1.3 parallel.device. Applications should not experience any problems
communicating with the eightbit.device on the device level.
### Copy eightbit.device to your "DEVS:" directory and you're ready to go.
"DOS-level support" refers to the ability to get and send data via the serial
and parallel ports with standard AmigaDOS commands, such as TYPE or LIST, or
with any program that does serial or parallel I/O via AmigaDOS, rather than
directly via the Exec-level "newser.device" or "eightbit.device". Although
this sort of capability is not frequently used, it is useful from time to
In a perfect world, DOS-level support would mean nothing more than an
appropriate MountList entry, specifying a driver name of "newser.device" or
"eightbit.device", and some unit number of your choosing, corresponding to a
DOS name such as "SER1:" or "PAR2:". Unfortunately, Commodore supplied a
version of the Port-Handler and Aux-Handler with Workbench V1.3 that doesn't
permit this; rather, they're hard-coded to use either "serial.device" or
"parallel.device". The printer.device suffers from a similar limitation. At
the time of this writing, we don't have a solution to the problem with the
printer driver, other than using IOpatch.
We do have a port handler, however. It's named "ioexp-handler".
### Copy ioexp-handler to your "L:" directory.
### Copy the supplied mountlist to "DEVS:".
Now you can do things like:
1> Type <MyFile> to SER1:
1> Copy <MyFile> to PAR2:
The handlers in Workbench V2.0 have the capability to use any device and
unit, so this whole problem becomes non-existent under V2.0 of the OS.
1. The names in the current port handler are hardcoded (sorry). The
MountList entries must be named "SER1:", "SER2", "PAR3:", etc. We will
release an update for this when and if this problem is resolved.
Several programs are available for use with the I/O Expansion Board.
SERprefs functions much the same as the serial section of Preferences, but
allows you to set and save parameters for all four units of the
newser.device. These are saved in "S:Serial-Preferences".
### Copy SERprefs to C: or somewhere in your execution path.
Many programs allow you to specify the device name and unit number, so that
using an alternate device driver is no problem. For those applications that
insist on using a particular device, we have written a nice little hack
called IOpatch. This program SetFunction()s the exec OpenDevice call. The
user puts this program in his startup-sequence, or otherwise invokes it,
before he runs his application program. This patch will make a small window
appear, whenever OpenDevice() is called, with a choice of units; 0-4. Unit 0
will select the internal serial or parallel port, and units 1-4 will select
one of the newser.device or eightbit.device units. Please note that the
names of both drivers have been selected to be the same length as the names
of the original devices. This has been done to facilitate file-zapping as a
last resort. Of course, software may be written that names the newser.device
or eightbit.device specifically.
### Copy IOpatch to C: or somewhere in your execution path.
From the command line, simply type:
1> IOpatch
There is no need to RUN, because IOpatch copies itself to ram; no seglist
splitting either! Once installed, IOpatch will check all calls to OpenDevice
to see if the device is the serial or parallel device. IOpatch takes the
following command line arguments:
1> IOpatch ;Check OpenDevice() calls for serial & parallel device
1> IOpatch -a ;Check OpenDevice() calls for serial & parallel device
1> IOpatch -s ;Check OpenDevice() calls for serial device only
1> IOpatch -p ;Check OpenDevice() calls for parallel device only
1> IOpatch -q ;Replaces previous vector for OpenDevice() calls.
1> IOpatch ? ;Prints these instructions
Now, every time a program wants to use the serial or parallel device, you
will be presented with a little window to select which unit you wish to use.
IOpatch will always open on the application's screen. Select Unit 0 to use
the internal serial or parallel device. Select Unit 1-4 to use the
newser.device or eightbit.device. Now you can do things like:
1> Copy <MyFile> to SER: ;Click on Unit 1 selects newser.device Unit 1.
1> Type <MyFile> to PAR: ;Click on Unit 2 selects eightbit.device Unit 2.
1> List >PRT: <MyDir> ;Click on Unit 3 selects eightbit.device Unit 3.
These examples assume that you select other than Unit 0.
1. IOpatch and the eightbit.device have been verified using Deluxe Paint III.
under V1.3 of the OS. A 640x768 file was printed to a Panasonic KX-P1092i
with good results.
A suite of simple test programs to check the I/O Expansion Board Hardware can
save you hours of hardware debugging time.
IOSetup writes recognizable bit patterns into the registers so that you may
verify that they are, in fact, addressable and working. The chips
are set up as follows:
VIA0: Both ports=outputs, ORB=$12, ORA=$34
VIA1: Both ports=outputs, ORB=$56, ORA=$78
ACIA1: 2400 baud, 8 bit word, 1 stop bit, no parity, DTR hi, TDR=$0D
IOPrint prints the contents of the registers for all 8 units on the console.
If you are not planning to add Unit 3-4, it would be a good idea to
reassemble the program to print registers for Unit 1-2 only.
IOTest is actually 9 tests in 1 program. Selected by command line argument,
tests 1-8 generate chip selects and read/write signals as follows:
1 = Read VIA0 3 = Read VIA1 5 = Read ACIA0 7 = Read ACIA1
2 = Write VIA0 4 = Write VIA1 6 = Write ACIA0 8 = Write ACIA1
Test 9 simulates a very simple character-oriented terminal program
for checking the operation of ACIA0.
PARtest tests the 65C22. This program takes a filespec as its only argument,
and stuffs the file out parallel Port 3 (VIA #1, Port A) to a
printer. No devices are involved; this goes right to the hardware.
Also, in this version, interrupts are not used - handshaking is
accomplished by hardware polling.
Time is a nice little program to drive a real-time clock-calendar. Time
takes one command line argument:
1> Time S=SET ;Sets clock from system date.
1> Time R=READ ;Sets system date from clock.
### Copy Time to C: or somewhere in your execution path.
The clock hardware, based on the OKI MSM5832, is also capable of
generating interrupts at 1024 hz, once per second, once per minute, or
hourly. This feature can be very useful, as no software counters are
required to generate long delays. A must for real-time control
If the clock does not physically exist, you will likely get a message
from the program: "Can't convert to DateStamp". This generally means
that the date string returned from the non-existant hardware was